Starting school can be an exciting yet daunting experience for both parents and children. It is important to build a strong foundation of social, emotional, and academic skills that will help your child feel confident, comfortable and happy in the classroom.
Storytime: Read and discuss “The ABCs of Making Friends,” a book about making friends and socializing using key words in alphabetical order. Story elements – the main idea.
Language Arts: Focus on asking and listening, words and sentences, question words, phonics games, and sight words. Differentiate between words and non-words.
Social Emotional: Explore communication skills, showing kindness and respect, being polite, using good manners, being with family and friends, being kind to oneself, and offering or asking for help.
Scientific Concepts: Discuss understanding processes and aerodynamics by exploring easy kites and fancy kites. Learn how to make a kite.
Math: Practice skip counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s. Count up to 100 and compare data.
Wee Lions e-Storybook: The ABCs of Making Friends.