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Level 2: Pre-kindergarten – Emergent Readers
Starting school can be an exciting yet daunting experience for both parents and children. It is important to build a strong foundation of social, emotional, and academic skills that will help your child feel confident, comfortable and happy in the classroom.
Course Content
Storytime: Read and discuss “The ABCs of Making Friends,” a book about making friends and socializing using key words in alphabetical order. Story elements – the main idea.
Language Arts: Focus on asking and listening, words and sentences, question words, phonics games, and sight words. Differentiate between words and non-words.
Social Emotional: Explore communication skills, showing kindness and respect, being polite, using good manners, being with family and friends, being kind to oneself, and offering or asking for help.
Scientific Concepts: Discuss understanding processes and aerodynamics by exploring easy kites and fancy kites. Learn how to make a kite.
Math: Practice skip counting by 10s, 5s, and 2s. Count up to 100 and compare data.
Learning materials include:
Wee Lions e-Storybook: The ABCs of Making Friends.

Over 100 pages of engaging and interactive activity slides, practice worksheets, and videos cover literacy, social emotional development, scientific concepts, math, and phonics.

First Steps to School Success:
Friendship, Communication, Math, Science, and Self-Care Skills


3 to 5 Years Old

Class size:

1 child
12 sessions per month


1 month (June 19 – July 15, 2023)
Flexible (3 days per week)
40 minutes per class
